Signs You Have a Drinking Problem
If you are asking yourself whether you have a drinking problem or not, most likely you need treatment for your alcoholism. There are a lot of warning signs that your drinking is out of control and that you need treatment. It is a good idea to know the warning signs so you can seek treatment before it becomes a serious problem.
Memory Lapses
Lapses in memory when you are drinking are a sign that you have overloaded several key portions of the brain. When you start to lose memory or your friends have to tell you what you did the night before, it is probably a good idea that you need treatment for alcoholism.
Changes in Appearance
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, sloppy appearance or lack of regard for appearance is a sign of alcoholism at any age. The longer the alcoholism goes on the worse a person’s appearance gets.
Poor Job or School Performance
When you need a drink to go to work or you need one at work, you probably have a serious drinking problem. It is only a matter of time before your boss, teachers, or classmates notice your drinking habits. Drinking before or on the job can also seriously affect your job performance.
Being hung over at work after a night of drinking is also an issue. When you look hung over or cannot function at work because you have a hangover, people will begin to notice that you have a drinking problem.
Mood Disturbances
Some people with drinking problems also have irrational changes in mood or behavior. The lack of alcohol affects your mood and makes you either irritable or aggressive. You might also lash out at friends when you cannot have your daily dose of alcohol. Irrational changes in mood are one of the first signs of alcohol withdrawal.
Drinking More than you Intended
If you find yourself setting out to have one or two drinks and wind up drinking a whole bottle you definitely have a drinking problem. Most people are capable of stopping their drinking after just a drink or two. If you cannot then it is time to seek treatment for your alcoholism.
Foregone Things you Enjoy to Drink
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, stopping the things that you enjoy to drink is a sign of a serious problem. When you stop doing the things that you enjoy simply because you would rather be drunk then you certainly need treatment for alcoholism.
Suffered from Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a dangerous form of withdrawal where you can suffer from delirium tremens. The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome are:
- hallucinations
- convulsions
- seizures
- tremors
- rapid heart rate
- high blood pressure
Every time you go through alcohol withdrawal syndrome it gets worse until you die from it. If you’ve gone through this there is an excellent chance that you have a drinking problem.
When you are ready for treatment for your drinking problem, we can help, all you have to do is call 800-481-6965 (Who Answers?) .